What is Teaching?
Teaching has nothing to do with being smart, becoming smart, or activating an inherent smart in students who would otherwise not have a chance. This is because this definition is static, as if there is a definite goal or marker. If we consider learning to be a life-long practice, we understand teaching much differently.
What is Affirmative Action?
With this, one might say that slavery ended in 1865 with the passing of the 13th Amendment. I don’t fully agree with that because the slave states had not re-entered the Union yet, but for argument’s sake, let’s say that slavery did end in 1865. But when did enslavement – the legalized subjugation of African-descended people – end?
What is Critical Race Theory?
You can’t have raceless racism. Latin America already tried that. Move past that point. Figure out what you’re going to do next.
What is Machine Learning?
Consider all the things we make true because we believe it’s already true. And click on something else.
Who is Underserved?
I think about underserved in education to mean a student does not have robust access to the resources needed for success in education.